Italian language course for foreigners: CFI’s initiative for employee integration successfully concluded

Do you remember when we talked about the Italian language course for foreigners?
The initiative concluded on Friday, November 10, with the participation of 25 employees from Senegal, Ivory Coast, Congo, Bangladesh, India, and Ukraine.

CFI chose to offer its foreign employees the opportunity to attend a free Italian course to promote communication and integration.

The course, open to all and funded by the company, was organized into two classes, with one 1.5-hour lesson per week, totaling 50 hours. This was made possible through the collaboration between CFI Refrigeration and Parlatù Language School in Noventa Vicentina (VI).

The results?
Participants are now less hesitant in their linguistic approach, and although the work cannot be considered complete, those involved have started to acquire the right tools for their daily lives.